
On Sept 9, 2017 a team of missionaries from Elevate Church in Monroe Michigan will travel to Chisinau, Moldova to work with the New Hope Moldova team to share the gospel by working to restore the physical and spiritual needs of the Gypsie community in that country. The team will share our experiences and how God is changing our lives and impacting the people of Moldova on this blog

Friday, September 15, 2017

Day 5 - Maybe Glasses Today?

We found out late on day 4 that Customs has decided not to confiscate the supplies but they are not releasing them to us in the country. We will need to take them back with us.  That means no eye glasses for people.  We went to bed disappointed by the news but with a resolve not to let the "spiritual warfare" deter us.  Guess what happened this morning - Oleg found a bag of 50+ glasses for us to give out!  Wow! God provided again!  Why Am I amazed?  I shouldn't be because God is amazing!  

Look at how many glasses!

People were excited about the glasses.

Eyeglasses make a great opportunity to evangelize.  Now that you can see, read us the word!

A mission nurse's job is so much more than just checking a person's vitals!  These nurses are incredible.

Laurie and Brianna spreading the happiness at the local school.

Hollie playing with a little boy. 

Th children had a drawing contest.  They were all winners!

Yes, I photobombed this picture at the local school!  I am so funny.  I crack myself up!

Joy and Johnny just Monkeying around...

God Sparks

Thursday and Friday we held the medical clinic in Chisinau. We were able to obtain the 3 missing bags for additional supplies. God provided everyday what we needed. Yesterday I saw a lady who described her time of being taken to Siberia when the Russia took control. Yes, that is not medical related really but was part of her story that  she wanted to share with me - it is part of who she is, it shaped her. It was curious because we had had a discussion the day before about socialism / communism. We Americans have our outside view, but when one experiences this as their reality it is often much different. I did what I was called to do - listen. This adult, like the children at the orphanage, just want our time and attentiveness. Later in the day she came back with a bag of pairs - way over 50 - as a gift for me. She said - this is all I have to share. They were delicious - enjoyed by our entire team (American and Moldovan) as well as the Transition Home family and girls. Today I had a gentleman come in and asked me after I had prayed for him to tell him why I am a believer. He said he had tried to believe but was a communist, going to many different church's and needed proof. While I couldn't provide 'proof' I did share my story and what God had done for me - that was my proof along with looking in the sky at the light of the sun - God's light shining down. After we talked he asked when services were at this church and was given a Bible. God was working, sparking - reaching into a door that had been opened. 

We later went out to deliver food bags to families in the neighborhood. The first home we visited had an elderly retired lady who was alone. She welcomed us to her home and told briefly us briefly about herself. She had firewood scraps in the corner of the tiny postage stamp property - she was starting to ready herself for winter heating - can you even imagine? She survives on $38 per month she receives in pension. That's $500 per year. Now can you imagine? She was not really bitter, it is what her life is. but The food bag included enough food for at least 2 weeks. She was so very grateful. She followed us out to the vehicle, tears in her eyes, thanking us and blessing us. She did bless us! God sparks of hope in a desperate place. 

God can and will use any of us. The evening ended with ladies night, a time for sharing. I am so proud of our team - the vulnerability, opening up. In the end, we are all here to make a difference in people's lives and help to point them toward God. God was already setting the sparks before we arrived --- we just helped by fanning he flame. 

Day 4 - Chisinau Clinic

Today we opened our traveling medical clinic in Chisinau.  People were waiting for us when we got there.  The clinic saw about 65 patients today, many came for glasses that we did not have because they were held by customs. We are hopeful they will be released for our clinic tomorrow. There were also several children with disabilities there because it is so hard to get medical treatment for them. Children with "problems" are often not kept at birth, but somehow these parents have found the serenity to follow a path of acceptance and the courage for the difficult journey ahead of them.  I can't imagine how hard it would be to raise a child with so many challenges in a society where there is so little support. Amazing amazing courage.  God bless those parents and may they someday know the blessing that has been put upon them by the gift of their child.

The clinic also saw a young couple and their daughter.  The father was paralyzed in a car accident and had to be carried in.  I couldn't help but think how hard it was for them - the father out of work, mother trying to support the family, and also being the primary care giver for the daughter and her disabled husband.  I could tell they were all in desperate need of hope.  God created the opportunity.  I was blessed to witness their spirits lifted and encouragement breathed into them through a complex set of circumstances that only God could have orchestrated.  Thank you Lord for showing me this today. 

Here are a few pictures from the day...

Nick and Joy working in the pharmacy.

The clinic in action.

Our lovable translator and amazing man of God, Johnny giving me his serious pose.

And the crazy pic of the day goes to the fresh hind quarter in the 

middle of the butcher's display case - Only in Moldova!

God's Majestic Love

It is amazing how you can be used by God. I have a tendency to believe the lies that I really don't have many skills to give. How was God going to fit the few skills I thought I had into what seemed like an out of place mission adventure? What really amazed me is not how he used the skills I thought I had, but in the common skills in the middle of hectic work others were doing. Just supporting common tasks that support bigger work is something you have to take pride and comfort. If you think about it, God equips  you from birth for ALL the tasks you will need to support his kingdom. Seemingly dumb and mundane things you have learned, God weaves it into his divine plan. So the biggest lesson for me is to remember I have been groomed from birth, whether I knew or not, to be a puzzle piece in Gods great puzzle. Thank you God!

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Giggles and Joy

We toured the countryside on the way to visit an orphanage. Because of some general complications, we were able to spend an extended period of time with the children. That is really what all children need, time, one-on-one time. To be able to look in their eyes and see a brightness begin to shine. We sang, played hand clapping games, tossed balls, took photos, tossed balloons, and Pastor Oleg shared a Bible story. To see children giggling with joy - when tossing balloons - that was a sight I am sure - seeing me chase a balloon. Hearing the giggles, seeing the smiles - I can't even describe it. We have all seen children with an infectious giggle - doesn't just the thought bring a smile to your face? The love of Christ was shared wth these little ones by just being present. Thank you Lord for the complications that allowed for this extended time. 


Day 1-2 We were in Balti, the clinic was able to treat over 100 people during the two days we were there. There was a great need for not only medical attention but also the ability for our team to deliver spiritual guidance and uplifting to their hearts, minds, and souls. The people that come and wait to be seen greet you with love and smiles. Their eyes say what my ears can not understand. I'm touched over and over again with God's great abilities. The stories and the ailments are unique to their culture and often times they tell me of a curse being put upon them when they are young. The gypsy community is large and very vocal here. It was an amazing opportunity to shed some light upon their beliefs in a non threatening way. Educating about hygiene as well as their specific illness or affliction is often times rebuked, yet the seeds are planted. What a powerful gift that is, in the midst of the uncertainty in their eyes. It's as if the dimmer switch starts to be turned up and the light of Christ is able to get in.

As many of the readers of this blog know, we had three bags that didn't show up at first from our connection in Rome, then after 4 agonizing hours in customs we had another four bags detained in customs. It's hard knowing how many supplies that you brought to help people aren't there. Not only are they not there but you are uncertain if you will EVER get them to the intended target. When your patient is there in need of something you know you brought, yet can't get it feels so heavy on your heart. I felt helpless, and for a brief moment I felt despair. But what can you do but call upon the name of Jesus? What can you say other than you understand and you will and can do your best to help them. You can pray. Psalm 107:6 reads Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. When I didn't know what to do or what to say I thought of this and I just prayed that God would continue to allow us to do his work. We talked with other team members and they quoted stories of how God could feed with 5 fish...WE lifted each other up in the middle of what seemed to be crisis, and you know what....we didn't run out of supplies. God was so good to us that the bags and the suitcases that did come thru had all of our equipment to check blood pressure and blood sugar. WE were able to provide them with prayer and bibles in either Russian or Romanian. I had women come back for ladies night because they said they felt the heat of the holy spirit flowing through my hands in the name of Jesus when I touched them and prayed. They were essentially hungry for the Lord and to know more! I have no way of ever knowing if that would have happened or been the same had we not faced any of the adversity that we did, but what I do know is that my faith in the POWER of the HOLY spirit was being renewed. I couldn't have found a bad mood if I had tried.

What I have learned is that God leads us to still waters to hear him, to allow us to be renewed in the holy word. He tests us at times, but not to fail. It's in order for us to grow and to be set free from the limitations our own minds create.

I thank him for the ability to serve here in Moldova and for the strength and courage to step out when he called for me to step up in my faith. I'm blown away with how powerful he is, how seeing his word came to life before my eyes, and how completely he loves in HIS love for each of us.

( I know I'm behind on my days, but exhaustion hits when you least expect it. lol ) forgive me and thank you for loving us and supporting us during this week!

Day 3 - Road Trip back to Chisinau

We started our day by going to the boy's transition center in Balti to collect our things and say our goodbyes to the team there.  We also got to see the finished construction project in the light!

I say this every year but what a great group Team Oleg has in Moldova. They truly have a passion for what they are doing and have Gods heart.  Before we left we got to see the new 2nd boys transition home and pray for the family living there.  

Our next stop is to get gifts for an orphanage visit on our way to Chisinau.  The orphanage was an amazing visit.  The team spent about 3 hrs spending time loving on the children playing games, music, bible lessons, and snack time. 

God did something amazing again today.  (Somehow I feel like I got more out of the visit than the kids did).   This orphanage was different.  We could tell the caretakers loved these children and they were well taken care of.  It was good to see this and it offers us much hope that other state run orphanages could change in Moldova.  Even with the good care these children were receiving, they were still starving for love.  I can only imagine what that's like but I could feel God moving throughout the visit and I'm sure he gave every soul the love they needed to have.  An amazing experience.  God is good!  

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Hello from Moldova,

There are so many topics I could blog about. This mission trip was difficult for me personally from the moment that I decided to say yes and commit to going. Fundraising was a chore, it was harder this year than it has been any other time. Most of the people that spoke to me about it, questioned where Moldova was as a country. Never hearing of it seemed to take over the conversation, but it never really seemed to ignite the spirit of giving. Falling short on that only made me feel as though I must not be hearing from the Lord and so maybe I wasn't meant to I see not only was it a test in my faith, but also my humility and vulnerability.

God teaches us that in order to be able to understand and to grow closer to the heart of our father is to extend love. In Hebrews 10:24, Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.

My desire is to be motivated in Christ Love, and to have the ability to come back home and to help spread the good news of what Oleg and his team through Christ are doing for Moldova.


Awesome describes the day. A beautiful ride through a beautiful country called Moldova. We rode from Balti to Chisinau with a stop at an orphanage in the Moldovan countryside. It is sad but at the same time so fulfilling to provide a few hours of just pure unadulterated fun for God's children that deserve so much more than the hand that this fallen world has dealt them. When you leave it really rips your heart out for the children that may never know the love of 2 parents that they deserve. God is so faithful that he sent US for a short reprieve from what looks like a dismal existence. Thank you Lord for the most excellent afternoon and please bless those children.


God says where there is light there can be no darkness! If you were not grounded in an understanding of our God one could really question this notion in Moldova. By sight and experience the place is so dark it is hard to tell if God's light is coming through you and making it to the people you encounter. It is not until you dive in and take a closer look that you can see the streams of God's light running through. The people with their misbeliefs and superstitions have a need for a savior and Jesus is the one that is really moving and lighting the way to a better life. It is a test of the faith needed to believe in God when the seeds that you plant, you may NEVER see the growth. God is so faithful that he continues to send HIS people to serve a dark world! I thank God that he is so faithful to ALL his children, whether they intentionally deny him or just don't know of his love. It is a relief to my soul that I know my savior and he has called me to a greater purpose.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Day 2 - Hitting our Stride

Today was all about the team hitting their stride.  Second day in Balti and a second day of everything again - Medical Clinic, School Bible programming, food bags to families in need, and construction!  

After we went for a morning cappuccino, the team fell into a rhythm today and did more amazing things.  I witnessed the team touching hearts again.  

I watched people at the clinic, including the transition home boys, getting prayed for and loved on.  The nurses do such a great job taking their time to care for the patients. The clinic has been operating for 1-1/2 days with a patient total of approximately 120.  We got good news today - our Mission partner Oleg was able to get 3 of the bags lost by the airlines through customs!  Tomorrow we are off to Chisinau and have more medical supplies!  God is good.  

I saw the US team singing with and enjoying the Moldova team. Man they are good.  

I caught a cute moment when Nick helped a young girl put her shoe back on.  

Nick and I continued work on the Gazebo construction project (and finished just before dark!)  I heard about moving experiences delivering food bags.  To finish the evening at the transition home, the ladies of our group had a women's night spending time with the Gypsie women singing, telling testimonies, and eating cookies - at least that's what I imagine cause it was a ladies only thing and men weren't invited.  It was another glorious day serving God's Kingdom.  I can't wait to see what God has in store for the team tomorrow!

Day 1 - Welcome to Moldova!

It has been a difficult start to the trip so far. The first day of Travel was very long due to airline delays, lost luggage, and a bad customs experience.  So we are down 7 of the 10 bags we brought with mostly medical supplies.  3 lost by the airlines and 4 taken by customs officials.

It was difficult to stand by and watch all the supplies the team worked hard for and everything that was so freely given for good taken away by customs.  It feels evil. But God is always in control. Evil is always subordinate. Gods way is higher than ours and he has a greater purpose for those supplies.  We just don't know what the purpose is yet.

OK reality check time.  Even though my head believes this and I was dealing with it fine on the outside, at a deeper level I was struggling with something.  I prayed about it.  "Acceptance" was the answer to my prayers today.  Ugh.  Well that sucks. :)

Day 1 was a good day.  The Clinic saw 50 patients, a local school was given a bible lesson with song and games, food bags were delivered to people in need, and construction work was done at the boy's transition home.  I am proud of this Mission team as the team is making an impact without all the supplies.  It is amazing how God is touching people through the mission team because they are willing to do his work on his terms.  We don't need the stuff that was taken from us in order to touch lives.  The stuff is not what's important.  It's God's message to these people that's important.  I see healing going on even without all of the medical supplies!  God is good.

Enjoy some pictures of the day!

Transition home boys helping with construction.  

Serena doing a check-up in the clinic.

Nick working on the construction project.

Beth praying for a patient.

Joy and Rebecca working in the clinic.

Love in Action

Greetings from a Balti! What a beautiful day it was. After a good night's rest we were ready to start a new day. As I end the day these thoughts come to mind. I think it has more meaning then sharing all the 'things' we did today. 

How can we share God's love with people? By loving - that seems simple. How can we begin to understand what they are truly going through? By seeing and listening - by really seeing and listening - being proximate. That gets harder - getting dirty and being uncomfortable. How do we grow and connect with people? Opening up - becoming vulnerable. Our struggles are not so very different. What is the key act that pulls all together? Love. Jesus commanded us ... to Love God and Love People. 

I witnessed this all today - Love in action really. 
Listening to people as they came into the clinic to be seen. Really listening even if it was not a problem we could fix. Holding a hand. Giving a hug. Praying for individual needs and witnessing the tears that come with it. Those memories will leave a lasting impression. That is love. 
Being welcomed to visit people's homes. Providing a food bag. Seeing how they live, listening briefly to their stories, praying for them - for hope, love, provision. That is love. 
Sharing at Women's Night. Inviting the local women to come share time with us. A time for some of us to share our personnel story. Our sharing not only helped others but also helped us. Who wants to be made vulnerable? But sharing allows for healing, encouragement, and for others to say 'me too'. The women really encouraged the members of our team. That is love. 

Love to all of you who have provided for us, prayed for us and supported and loved us. 

Monday, September 11, 2017

Missing Supplies - No problem

We landed in Chisinau some 21 hours after leaving Detroit - our team was safe, tired and ready to be one our way. There were a few snafus - #freechampagnes (thanks to our team leader, Mark, for springing them in Rome), 3 bags did not arrive with us and Customs held back 4 additional bags. The # 1 rule of life is to trust God.  The # 2 rule of any mission trip (and life) is be flexible. We worked with the agents counting, recounting and recounting once again our supplies - pulling out what we could take (they allowed) with us at moment. So once we left the airport some 3 + hours later, what else could we do --- revert back to an American favorite, McDonald's - yes they have one in Moldova but a McFlurry has a different twist (only available in chocolate, cherry or Carmel - yes Pastor Heather, I cheated - but I prefer to call it flexibility). We couldn't do anything else but be flexible - God will work thru us with whatever have. We want to be a light shining in the darkness - I want to be that light. So we spent the night at the Cosmos Hotel - 5 hours after a shower we were up and enjoying breakfast before traveling to Balti. We were ready to GO to be used by God.
We arrived in Balti to people waiting in line to be seen. I so like to greet everyone with a handshake and hello - all those in line waiting so patiently. We set up with the supplies we had - it worked out fine and we saw some 51 patients. Two of the ladies I saw, Nina and Eugenia, said they remembered me coming last year - can you believe it? People waited patiently to be seen - no complaining. I was able to pray with everyone coming thru and some even prayed for me and our team. Most were prayed for again with either Joy or a member of the Moldovan Team. 
A second boys transition home is now open on the same property as the first. So much has been accomplished to improve the lives of these young boys / men as well as outreach to the community. Praise the Lord, Alina and Vasili adopted their first child last year, a toddler, Anastasia and now Alina is pregnant with another - PTL! It is always a joy to be with the Moldova Team. Alex made me laugh - let's take a picture he says --- and wants to stack some more medicine in front of us --- so we look ummmm like we are working hard in the pharmacy. He is too crazy. Margareta translated for me - she has been a part of out team on all previous trips - she is 19 now and over half way thru nursing school with dreams of someday becoming a doctor. She is a gypsy orphan girl who the church has loved - her life forever changed now because of her personal relationship with Christ.  
Our team did great today - some visited an orphanage, delivered food bags or worked on building an outdoor gazebo in the play yard. All this while the medical clinic was operating. God can do more thru us if we are obedient to his call - He can do anything! And remember - that despite missing 7 bags of supplies - many lives were touched. Tomorrow is a new day - I pray that when people look in my eyes they see the light of God shining thru. Pray for our entire team - that we Americans can be a catalyst to connect people to the local church - and that New Hope Eurasia will be that beacon of light in this community - where people with little or no hope can see that these Believers - look and live differently. And those least, last and lost will be drawn to learn about and experience the Love of Christ. Goodnight from Hotel Balti. 

PS I'm thankful for wifi even if I have to go to another floor and sit in the hallway to pick up a signal to be able to post this - there are way bigger problems in our world than this nuisance for certain. 

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Greetings from Fiumicino

Greetings from from Fiumicino Italy (Rome). 
Our Team of 9 began our journey to Moldova - 
✈️ Detroit to Rome taking just over 8 hours in rough air - yes some got sick. Arrive to pouring ☔️ so no exploring in the city but everyone got some much needed 😴. The flight is delayed to Chisinau, Moldova but 🤷‍♀️ we are flexible and will arrive at just the right time.
I am anxious to see what God has planned this year. Our primary mission is to assist in providing a medical clinic and an after school program. We plan to be serving in Balti and Chisinau. 
Dream big and wild with us for God to do what only He can do because he can do anything! 
Preparing for this year's trip to Moldova has been differently trying; but I am so excited to see what happens when we arrive and begin our work in-country!

This past Thursday our team had a packing party and it was so awesome to see all of the medical supplies from individuals, the community, and companies.
All bags are packed to capacity - and everything will be provided freely to the people of Moldova.

Please pray for our travels to continue safely, as we wait for our final plane to Chisinau, Moldova and for our team as we prepare to serve the community once we arrive.